La primera producción de la Global Science Opera, "SkyLight", fue la primera ópera escrita y ejecutada por una comunidad global.
En 2017, GSO se inspira en la visión de la Agencia Espacial Europea de una ciudad en la luna. La ópera "Moon Village" se estrenó en todo el mundo el 13 de diciembre de 2017.
Siguiendo la inspiración científica del Profesor Bernard Foing (ESTEC), la ópera "Moon Village" ha sido creada por escuelas, universidades e instituciones artísticas en 27 países en todos los continentes habitados: Argentina, Australia, Bélgica, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, China, Chipre, Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, Grecia, Holanda, Irlanda, Italia, Japón, Kenia, Noruega, Polonia, Portugal, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Suecia, EE. UU., Gales y Zambia.
En la participación española de esta convocatoria contamos con la ESCUELA PROFESIONAL LA SALLE de Paterna, Valencia (profesores: Samuel Hermosillo Del Olmo y María José Mañez Raimundo), y el COLEGIO MAESTRA ISABEL GALLEGO GORRIA LHI de Bilbao (profesores: Almudena de la Peña e Isabel Ruiz) con la coordinación de Ana Inés Gómez De Castro (Hands-on Universe, España. Univ. Complutense, Madrid) y Carmen Diez Calzada (Scientix. Barcelona).
Enlace a la Global Science Opera 2017:
La participación española inicia en el minuto 41:49.
WHAT » Reflection workshop on Astronomy eduactional scenarios: Hand-On Universe Spain wiki
WHEN » Thursday, February 28th, 2013. 18:00h
WHERE » WSO-UV, edificio FISAC, Escuela Universitaria de Estadística, UCM (Madrid)
WHO » The workshop targets secondary and high school sciences teachers (Physics, Chemistry, Maths, ICTs...)
* for more info. please direct to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
** if you are interested on participating, please confirm via email. Thankyou
[the workshop will be entirely given in Spanish]
* «El Universo a tu manera» ('The Universe, in your own way') invites secondary school teachers to participate exploring and inventing innovative ways dor teaching science trough Astronomy
* The contest is awarded with a 300€ prize
MADRID // January 29th, 2013
We are proud to announce the contest «El Universo a tu manera» ('The Universe, in your own way') we just released in Spain. Secondary school teachers are invited to present their original educational scenarios, resources and/or applications based on the ones Discover the Cosmos promotes.
Registrations are open from February the 1st until May the 31st, 2013 and the awards will be given during the Bienial Reunion of the Spanish Society of Physics (July 2013).
Teachers are invited to seek trough the educational scenarios available in our wiki-based source (Hands On Universe-España) to get inspired.
Besides, we'd like to announce an upgrade in the wiki source of educational content, that now shows all the Spanish versions of all Discover the Cosmos educational scenarios. They are all labeled in the bottom part of each page and linked to Discover the Cosmos' portal (e. g.