Galaxy crashes - Galaxy Classification and Formation

*educational content may be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Galaxies may be viewed by students to be immutable or even abstract objects. In this scenario students get to “experiment” with galaxies and find out how they are formed and why they have the shapes they do.
Textbook teaching of the subject is inherently limited, due to the dynamic nature of the related processes. Moreover, lack of sophisticated telescopes in schools makes direct observations of galaxies a non-trivial task, to say the least.
This scenario aims to fill these gaps and get students to understand galaxy formation.

         • Educational scenario objectives
        During this scenario, students will:
1. Learn about the different shapes of galaxies.
2. Learn about the Hubble classification system.
3. Get acquainted with making and studying astronomical observations.
4. Learn about simulations and how they may be used in a scientific context.

Download the PDF complete version by clicking on the following link: galaxy_crash.pdf
• Students will use the following application ”Crash Galaxy

Educational content developed by Ellinogermaniki Agogi [GR] / NUCLIO [PT].
Validated by Discover the Cosmos + Galaxy crashes - Galaxy Classification and Formation

Last update | 20/06/2013