Construction and use of a cloud chamber

Particle physics with its “invisible” particles moving at essentially the speed of light seems at first sight well beyond everyday experience. However by building a cloud chamber using basic scientific principles and straightforward techniques, one can see particle tracks and use them to study radioactivity and cosmic rays.

These fundamental investigations are not at all beyond the scope of the interested student and enquiring layman.

        Educational scenario objectives

During the scenario, participants will:

1. understand how charged particles interact as they pass through matter, in particular how they may be detected by the trails of ionisation which they produce
2. discuss how these trails of ionisation, constituting tiny amounts of electrical charge, may be detected
3. construct a cloud chamber, following detailed instructions
4. at each stage, understand the basic physics principles involved and discuss the choice of parameters
5. observe vapour trails in the cloud chamber, corresponding to the passage of charged particles.
6. investigate and understand the origin of these trails: alpha particles from radioactive decay and cosmic rays
7. measure the numbers of tracks observed per minute and check whether these rates agree with estimates
8. demonstrate the cloud chamber to others to illustrate the insight it gives to particle physics

Download the PDF complete version by clicking on the following link » educational_activity_cloud_chamber.pdf
• Instructions in the following guide

• Take a look on this article (disponible aquí en inglés)

Educational content developed by Birmingham University [UK].
Validated by Discover the Cosmos

Last update | 20/06/2013