Table of Contents

What do you weight on Moon surface?

What do you need?

  1. Paper and pen.
  2. You shoul know about:


What do you weight on moon surface? Do you weigh more or less in the terrestrial surface?

The mass of the Earth is 81 times the mass of the Moon.
The radius of the Moon is 0.27 times the radius of the Earth.

How can we resolve it?

What do you know?

In this exercise, we know: the relation of mass Earth-Moon and the relation of radius Earth-Moon.

¿Qué nos piden?

Let´s go to calculate the variation in our weight on Moon surface.

How can we calculate it?
  1. We calculate our weight in the Earth surface.
  2. We calculate our weight in the Moon surface.
  3. We divide two equations to obtain the solution.