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The list below shows the necessary contents to conduct the Astronomy exercises.
The contents listed under the title «particle physics» show complete educational scenarios about particle physics and are entirely associated to Discover the Cosmos.

Physical concepts

Under each of the following summaries you will fin the Astronomy exercise related to that particular concept.

             Calculating the density of the Moon
             Globular clusters

  • Cinematic. Lineal motion

             Setting references when everything moves: stellar streams

  • Cinematic. Circular motion

             Sun for all

  • Momentum conservation

             Conservation of momentum in particle collisions

             What would be your weight at the Moon?
             Calculating the density of the Moon
             Globular clusters
             Is it possible to weigh a galaxy?

             Calculating the density of the Moon
             Is it possible to weigh a galaxy?
             What would be your weight at the Moon?

  • Kepler's Law

             Is it possible to weigh a galaxy?

  • Particle Systems
  • Relativity
  • Atomical physics and structure of the matter

             Structure of the Proton
             Identifying and Measuring Mass of Invisible Particles at the LHC
             Construction and use of a cloud chamber

  • Particle Physics


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All Educational contents available in Hands-On Universe Spain are supported by Discover the Cosmos, project of the 7º Framework Programme of the European Comission.

All content in HOU wiki Hands-On Universe España is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported License.

fisica.txt · Last modified: 24/04/2017 13:01 (external edit)
HOU Internacial. Galieleo Teacher Training Program. Universidad complutense de Madrid. DokuWiki IYA 2009