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D = rθ

Lets see how to get the following result:

We've been given::

We start from the coloured rectangle triangle

Being a rectangle triangle, we apply trigonometric reasons to the angle ф
and we obtain tg(ф)= R/r.
Being ф a small value, we can take the approx: ф approx tg(ф)
So, from what we saw before, we can conclude that ф approx R/r and as Theta = 2ф, then we have that Theta approx 2R/r.
We are seeking for the Moon's diameter (we've called it 'D' in the figure.
We already know that the diameter is two times the radius, so D = 2R.
If we substitude:Theta approx D/r.
And when we find out D: D  approx Theta r.

formula.txt · Last modified: 24/04/2017 13:01 (external edit)
HOU Internacial. Galieleo Teacher Training Program. Universidad complutense de Madrid. DokuWiki IYA 2009